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SCP-106 "The Old Man"

A member registered Dec 12, 2022

Recent community posts

This is nice.

I’ll make a religion about the femur.

Why do cats run from me.. I’m only trying to pet them, I need to escape containment..


Hehahah, this bends my mind.. I need to see the big lizard..

I love the game where the orange people in jumpsuits play hide and seek lol.

You should run, I’ll be coming for you. :)

You are very much welcome!

Great game, MCRuger, I enjoy laying this a lot mainly to goof around. This is probably one of the buffest-furry-manly games I played, keep up the great work!

Now… I must get back to my containment, talk to you soon!

It’s time for me.. To rise..!

You could add something special.. Close to my heart you should add me!

Females and males, yes.

I’m gonna make the world bow to me! :)

Same here!


bro thats…

Me too, now im scarced.

The landlord is not hot.

That’s a good idea.

Alright, thank you.

Are you going to do anything with the Breeder Perk, MewDev?

Also, I love playing this game, love the concept, and I love the mechanics, keep up the good work!! :3